BIOAGRI™5-ALA is a naturally occurring functional non protein amino acid in living organisms. It is an essential precursor for the synthesis of tetrapyrrole compounds such as heme, chlorophyll, and vitamin B12, and has important effects on plant photosynthesis and cellular energy metabolism.

Promote seed germination under salt stress
Application of 5-ALA can significantly promote seed germination and plant growth under salt stress.
Improve the photosynthetic capacity of leaves
Applying ALA to cucumber roots can improve leaf photosynthetic capacity and alleviate the effects of low light on plant growth.
Promotes pre-coloring of the peel
5-ALA treatment can promote early coloring of fruit peels and promote early ripening of fruits.
Promote crop growth
Exogenous LA has a certain promoting effect on the growth of pepper in desert areas, including increasing the plant height, leaf length, stem thickness, leaf number, leaf width, and crown diameter of tomatoes and peppers, increasing plant yield, improving fruit quality, and enhancing antioxidant enzyme activity.