About AH Biosus™Inositol
AH Biosus™Inositol is an essential component for the growth of humans, animals, and microorganisms. It finds wide-ranging applications in the pharmaceutical, food, and other industries, often used as a nutritional fortifier in food products.

Protect the liver
AH Biosus™Inositol promotes cell growth and participates in metabolic activities in the body. It is a precursor substance for the synthesis of creatine phosphate, membrane phospholipids, and myelin, making it an essential nutrient for maintaining physiological functions in animals, especially necessary for the growth of liver and bone cells, and it plays a protective role for the liver .
Treat PCOS
AH Biosus™Inositol can improve menstrual cycles, promote ovulation, and induce metabolic changes in patients with PCOS. It is effective and safe for treating PCOS-IR and may become a common medication for treating PCOS in the future.
Lower blood lipids
AH Biosus™Inositol is associated with the activation of muscle glucose transporters and glucose utilization and can also improve glucose metabolism in postmenopausal patients with metabolic syndrome, alleviate insulin resistance, and reduce blood lipids.